This involved deploying ThirdBase’s three base approach to:
- Define how Business Process Management and Continuous Improvement will work within LeasePlan.
- Ensure that Management and staff are clear about what Business Process Management and Continuous Improvement is, how it will work within the company and what will be required of them.
- Progressively rollout Continuous Improvement capabilities across the business.
The Results:
- Continuous Improvement has enabled LeasePlan achieve greater business volumes with proportionately fewer staff.
- Processes are stable and well documented so that they’re understood and reliably performed by staff. Processes are supported by ThirdBaseCI process software through clearly defined objectives and KPI’s and easily accessible process documentation, letters, forms and business rules.
- Processes are audited at a predefined frequency to ensure that they are being performed as intended. Corrective actions are assigned and tracked through to completion to maintain process improvement momentum.
- Process Owners have clear and unambiguous responsibility for process performance. Daily performance boards make team measures highly visible and a regular talking point.
- Knowledge and experience of front-line staff working in each process is used to identify opportunities for improvement. As issues are encountered in processes, the causes are identified and solutions implemented to address them. With each process improvement, including system changes impacting processes, documentation is kept up to date and relevant staff made aware of the change through clear communications and training.
- The Executive Management Team oversee Continuous Improvement and track performance through system-generated reports, actions and messages.
Customer Service Process Improvement
For Customer Service process improvement, LeasePlan engaged ThirdBase to:
- Work directly with its Customer Service team members to improve their capacity to deliver more with current resources (i.e. improve processes and therefore productivity).
- Build capability amongst the management / supervisory levels of the Customer Service team to learn hands-on techniques for ongoing process improvement.
The specific objectives of this work were to:
- Improve service quality to customers.
- Increase the number of customer enquiries resolved in one phone call / email.
- Reduce call wait times.
Fleet Services Process Improvement
LeasePlan engaged ThirdBase to enhance Fleet Management services delivered to customers. This was done by working closely with the LeasePlan management and staff to improve the processes and lock-in the gains by using ThirdBase’s ‘three base approach’ for continuous improvement.