The Three Bases 3x

Lock in the Benefits of Change

The ThirdBase approach enables organisations to lock-in benefits of change and continually improve business performance.   Many businesses want to continually improve performance but often fail because they don’t follow the right path.  ThirdBase guides organisations through a straight forward path that builds basic foundations and achieves sustained and continuous improvement.

Achieve Continuous and Sustainable Business Process Improvement

First Base for business performance improvement

You have to achieve First Base with clearly understood work practices before you get to Second.

Second Base for sustainable business performance

You have to achieve Second Base with stable processes performed the same way before you get to Third.

Third Base for continuous improvement

Third Base locks in the benefits of change and uses the power of your staff to continuously achieve improved business performance.


firstbase > organise processfirstbase > Organise Processes

Clearly documented processes that are easy to access and understand with staff competent in performing them.

Why is it important?

Many organisations rely on word of mouth, on the job training, or outdated procedure manuals to guide staff in how to do their work. These old style methods invariably result in bad habits being perpetuated and allow people to do things “their way” rather than the correct way.

What does it look like when you get there?

Staff have quick and easy access to up to date documentation in your firm’s preferred formats including:

  • Processes and procedures
  • Forms, scripts and standard letters
  • System help
  • Process KPIs

Staff have undertaken training in the way work is to be done. New staff complete the training when they start and existing staff complete refresher training whenever you wish to schedule it. History keeps you up to date with who has completed what and when.

second base > sustain performancesecondbase > Sustain Performance

Stable, reliable processes where staff work consistently and performance levels are sustained.

Why is it important?

Most organisations that go through a performance improvement program find that over time, the way people work drifts away from the way they’re expected to work so the processes performed no longer align with the way they were designed.

What does it look like when you get there?

Work is performed in a consistent, reliable and sustainable manner in line with the required practice. Performance levels are locked in so that the benefits of change are not lost over time. Where changes are required, actions are assigned and tracked to ensure they’re completed and compliance is maintained.

thirdbase > continuous improvementthirdbase > Continuously Improve

Staff knowledge leveraged to address issues and improvement opportunities.

Change reliably implemented and managed to continuously improve performance.

Why is it important?

It’s no good looking to staff for improvement opportunities only when things go wrong, or asking for ideas and not following through and implementing them properly. It’s far better to have people working constantly on performance improvement initiatives.

What does it look like when you get there?

Your firm leverages the knowledge and expertise of staff to improve the way work is performed. Good opportunities find their way into good practice and business performance continuously improves. Management have visibility of progress toward continuous improvement and can drill down into the status of a process at any time.



1300 173 974

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ThirdBase Services

Take the 30 Second

Process Check

30 Second Process Check